About Us

B Unique Millinery is an International Supplier of High Quality Millinery & Embellishment/Trimming products. As a milliner myself I know that using the best quality and unique products I can create some wonderful masterpieces.  This is why I work so closely with my factories in Asia to design and create some unique and different supplies.

I work closely with Milliners worldwide to understand their needs and what they are looking for to create their hats and headpieces.

With a shortage of Natural straw fibres in the Philippines, I have been investigating new blocking fabrics. Setting up an international project team of milliners to test drive new natural fabrics made of cork, cotton and paper.  Paper has certainly outshone, with many milliners worldwide using this as a new alternative from blocking sinamay.

 We specialise in our guipure laces, feather flowers, fine weave sinamay, pinokpok, buntal mats and our new and extensive range of paper fabrics.  We have customers from around the world that source our supplies for the uniqueness, quality and good value.

We have warehouses in 4 countries – Peachester on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia; Wiltshire, United Kingdom; Vancouver, Canada and North Carolina, USA.

Family business - specializing in creating those unique designs/accomplishments for that special occasion ..  and Katie in USA, Marcia in Canada and Nellie our UK/Ireland/Europe Regional Manager !!
Drop in to see us, call or use our Contact Page to let us know that query you my have..


We also have Specialist Milliners around the world who are regular customers:

- Bluegrass Hat Co (Libby Munro) [Australia] - https://www.bluegrasshatco.com.au/ 

- Hats by Tracey Mac (Tracy Mackinnon) [Australia] - https://www.hatsbytracymac.com/

- Sandy Aslett Millinery (Sandy Aslett) - https://www.sandyaslettmilliner.com.au/

- Lifted Millinery (Katie Allen) [US] - https://liftedmillinery.com/

- The Hat Stand (Nellie Pitts) [UK] - https://thehatstandmillinery.com/

- Sally Caswell Millinery (Sally Caswell) [US] - https://sallycaswellmillinery.com/

- Hats by Kat - (Kathy Anderson) [US] - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjIz8jvs5f1AhUySWwGHbh1AkEQFnoECA0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F833367566753642%2Fposts%2Ffollow-my-kathy-anderson-fb-page-to-see-more-of-my-hats%2F2421539807936402%2F&usg=AOvVaw2C7bDkw00xFzvEWQsKICAw

- Geaux Chapeux - (June Gumbell) [US] - https://geauxchapeaux.com/

- Millinery by Mel (Mel Atherinos) [Australia - Mt Isa] - https://millinerybymel.com.au/